
Off to kilburn, got a free ride home, thank you mr 98! Yet again,bought so many unnecessary accessories.. Ki is so gonna kerat me enam belas this time!
Mr ki had gone to bicester, bought me another CK! I can now open my own CK boutique ;) suka! :love: as for dinner, learn 'nasi air= nasi + air' (kelantanese cruisine)from my sis Linda and how to make sambal mangga. Yums!
Nitey nite peeps.. Hava a great friday ;)

-sambal mangga with grill mackeral -
nak demam

But then, my spirits were high up in the sky when i see this

Come to mama!

Loving it, thank you ki :hugs:

-from my iPhone-

car boot junkie..

car booting..
a weekly event for us..zaki memang kaki car boot..
sebut denham, kilburn, walton on thames, farnborough, ascott, chiswick, redbourne
merata and tah mana2 lagi..

a photo holder, sangat suka..

a good therapy, mind and physical..mind- sebab seronok sangat tengok barang2 yang harga main pee-pee je
physical, kalau satu lane 500 m lah katakan..kalau dia bukak 10 je lah..
dah berapa jauh and berapa langkah anda berjalan?
and good for your eyes too!( therapy mata)..ya..mata harus tajam..tahap focus, zoom and macro anda kena berada pada tahap paling maksima untuk mendapat barangan yang best..sebab, seller suka letak display deria mata kena sharp untuk scout bargain yang lambat je..barang yang best kena rembat.
and make sure bring small change banyak2..if bawa £5 dlm pence..kalau satu item 10p..berapa item dah boleh beli daaa?? kalikanlah lagi sekali..
and bawa lah tesco fairtrade recycle bag big edition untuk isi segala barang shopping anda..or you rasa barang shopping you lagi banyak kalah barang shopping dari can bring ikea shopping bag kaler biru( di uk)..or (yellow) di malaysia..kalau nak shopping satu car boot pun boleh..tapi bawalah trolley untuk memudahkan pergerakan dan perjalanan barangan anda..(mcm sesetengah family melayu kita di sini)

(ps- taulah malaysian when it comes to shopping!!..from high street to car boot..asalkan shopping kalau tak ghabak or tekeluar tulang bahu nak mengangkut bukan malaysian lah namanya,.ape lagi kalau barangan murah!)

i must say almost 60% my kids nye baju comes from pre-loved item..dekat sini kalau nak shopping betul2 lagilah parah..ada 4 season..masuk sejuk kena tukar lain..autumn..summer and spring..berapa banyak kali nak darablah lagi, sebab i kena fikir untuk 5 anak i..kalau i beli mahal, pakai sampai lebam..oklah..ini..kejap2 nak kena tukar..and kids pulak..sekejap je dah besar..pakai tak sampai 4-5 months kena change..from top to toe..pengsanlah i and botaklah papa zaki..( yang sememangnya dah botak licin cause i baru shave kasi licin last week ).

oklah..have to go tolong aishah with her school work..have you ever heard Handa's Surprise?..dulu2 kita hansel and gretel, red riding, gingerbread man handa? originally story ni from kenya..i tak taulah..sesama pulak kena buat homework with kakak ni..tak pasal kena online study sekali...rasanya i dah layak jadi cikgu nursery/reception if balik malaysia..sebab every week kena sit and learn with aishah and her reception work..

thats Ashley-Mae, her best friend..

ps- sini mak bapak tak boleh malas..every week kena submit report and what we do with our kids, then anak kena tanya balik kat school..kantoilah if tak ajar anak..homework bukan everyday..but seminggu sekali (receive friday due tuesday-lain sekolah lain hari) budak tak kelam kabut and cepat lupa..

the real Ashley -Mae..she's so petite!

saturday..mak nak sunday, mak dah kelam kabut..sebab? mak sibuk nak jalan tapi homework anak belum tengok.Every wednesday, anak ada spelling test (wajib) if anak tak lepas nanti teacher question..kesimpulan, mak bapak is part of the learning system, so jangan malas mama D!!!..ketiadaan papa yang sibuk mencari nafkah menyebabkan mak menjadi agak mental menjelang hari minggu kerana banyak tanggungjawab perlu dijelaskan. -n-

again, not about car boot after all, saya suka lari topic..selagi boleh membebel :))


3 weeks to go..

still no answer from the home office..
visa masuk since April..ingat everything was ok..(sebab biometric enrolment dah lepas)
but until now..hujung bucu passport pun tak nampak..
beginning to feel harapan balik amat tipis..
minus sunday tinggal 19 days mengharap passport sampai..

hubby cakap..its ok..tunggu 2 days before flight baru cancel ticket..
(if still no kelibat)
frust sangat..but still mengharap..
takutkan if we cancel early, like next week..a day after, passport sampai?
nyesal tak sudah cause dah let go ticket..kan?

cakap with mom..arghh..poor mom..nyesal habaq dia awal2..sebab tau if visa tak dapat kan lemah..
i feel her sadness bila bagitau berita tak best ni..
3 years tak jejak tanah malaya...but baru 1 year lebih tak jumpa mom (she came in dec 2007-jan 2008)
But yes, mom dah tua..tak larat nak travel lagi. And whats more, my FIL dah tinggal sorang kat Kampung..since my MIL pass away..tanya sekarang siapa teman kat kampung..he said dia kawan dengan kucing 3 ekor..use to be belaan arwah my MIL..sayang sangat kat depa bertiga ni..sampai demam kasi panadol and letak dalam blankie..kesian bapak..

arghhh..dont give up..teruskan tido di tepi lubang post anda..hoping for a miracle before the 17th!!


all about hayy..

entry kali ni is all about my baby hayy..
alah..not so baby anymorelah..dah bau tengik pon..bucukk..masham sangat!

the most nakal, cheekiest, nottiest amongst all..
dapat kaki pun cepat..9 month dah start jalan, mana la tak tekejar i dengan dia 11 month dah lari2 you!
tak tercakap lagi dah. Umur baru setahun sebulan..tapi since dia banyak belajar ilmu dunia from 3 sifu- sifu alam, sifu langit dan sifu cakerawala..
so power dia berganda lagi dari abang abang dia yang lain.

yes..pasti tertanya tanya how do i manage to handle 4 boys (minus kakak la..dia girl, so nakal dia ke arah menjahanamkan make up mummy dia).Answer don't jaga them, you just play along with them..bukanlah i ikut sekali panjat panjat and melompat main tembak tembak gitu ke apa..
i just monitor them as long as they know whats right and whats not..jatuh ke, sakit ke is part of the growing process..
(contoh nursery kat sini, 3-4 yrs old dah kena expose how to handle things in the kitchen, siap ada kelas masak.. to hold knife, scissors, stapler, class, how to search websites,print pictures etc..yang best tu how to DIY..dekat outdoor play area ada real tukul, real saw, real PAKU!..dan real segalanya..but all dibuat dalam bentuk ketot so budak2 ni easy to handle)

Never say 'no' when they are doing something..itu learning process namanya, macam kita takutkan anak terluka ke apa ke..sikit2 risau..but here..if terpotong ke apa..teacher will report the incident to you and suruh kita sign in the report book.And of course they will treat the luka lah.

So, i pun praktikkan the knowledge i dapat from the nursery to my everyday life..
its not easy to monitor 4 little boys you know..
and alhamdulillah, they are now easier to handle..despite being boys la kan..masih notty notty, tapi dalam keadaan terkawal dan berhemat..hehe..
my 2 yrs old zach even know how to handle with scissor all by himself..

ya itu way..lepas nakal2 kecahkan bilik teruk teruk kenalah u all mengemas..'tidy up time' namanya, kalau 20 kali main, 20 kali sepah, 20 kali mamanya mengemas, mati la mamanya.belum masuk housework mama lain2 lagi! and sape rajin can get treat from mama-stickers, sweets, keropok

STUDY and BASIC KNOWLEDGE- very important for them before nursery year starts and after
  • sing songs to them, nursery songs la..bukan kerispatih. ungu..sebagainya..(songs stimulate minds, especially otak budak yang menyerap segalanya umpama sponge)
  • read to them, best time is night time..before tido.
  • introduce them to IT, sangat penting..jangan marah and risaukan komputer/laptop/netbook rosak!.If marah2 will put them off, rasa tak safe nak pakai (takut mama marah nanti) komputer beribu ringgit rosak. if you notice, mula2 baby you pegang mouse, pastu try to tekan2 the mouse, on the cpu and monitor..if u let them to continue..lama2 anak you akan terrer dengan sendirinya.introduce them to internet not games ya-coz games buatkan budak leka and malas belajar! ( banyak interesting sites for children nowadays etc ) this sites will teach children how to learn through play..
  • lastly, jaga hati and perasaan anak, a healthy heart will stimulate body and soul..mcm nilah..bagila anak sebanyak kebahagiaan yang boleh. Jangan gaduh laki bini,masam2 muka depan anak..nak marah2 pegilah lepas kat kucing ke, jiran sebelah rumah atau pasaraya berdekatan anda. Give reward for your childs effort, bukanlah nak kena bagi hadiah selalu..kopak babe, means..give them big hugs, kisses and praise them.
-Hoh!!-! tu dia!..entry dah lari topik sebenarnya..its not all about hayy after all! hehe..

This is just a teeny weeny part of it..banyak lagi as it goes along the way..yang akan cik kiah kongsikan bersama pada lain hari :)
As for Hayy? tengoklah dia buat apa..mmm..

when mama sebut2 hayy, dia datang mcm kucing 'meow-meoww'

mari kita tanam tok guru dengan bantal bantal ni...

mari kita turun pula..

dan jatuhkan beg mama..yeahaaa..!
(mama: arghhhh!!! bradley bag..!!)
ok..enuff. Mama dah menyinga, bulu dah panjang.. taring dah keluar..
mari kita kembangkan hidung dan berkepak ke arah mama..
gimik i jadi kan ma..actually i nak sepahkan toys pulak..nyet! nyet!

Nite nite everyone, hope you enjoy watching me! :)


KFC! yay!
malam ini we dinner KFC, walaupun saya dah masak seafood paprik, bayam air, sambal belacan bercicahkan ulam... ..tolak dulu,
maklumlah, jakun dah lama tak dapat melapah daging ayam KFC.
Terima kasih encik zaki kerana menaja makanan kami pada malam ini.
3 kali sorak pengakap untuk en zaki kita..hip hip--HUURAYYY!!

maaf, belum ada snap shot aksi kami melapah daging ayam dengan rakus..



hehehee... :P


  • ayam belum tiba
  • zaki lambat sangat
  • gonna watch 'the smallest teen in the world' ..she's only 23 1/2 inch, her voice sebijik chipmunk tanpa perlu diedit, sangat comel!

pot pet

amalan harian

::buka tingkap seluas luasnya dan menguap::
ps- sampaikan penumpang tube belakang rumah terkejut melihat aksi ghairah anda.

tidaklah menguap sepanjang masa, lebih afdal jika diselang selikan dengan selawat syukur dapat melihat matahari terbit untuk mulakan hari yang penuh cabaran :)
ps- kata org tua, biar rezeki masuk.

::amalkan mandi pukul 11,12,1,2 atau tak mandi lansung, walaupun pada musim sejuk yang amat::
aktiviti ini memang kami cukup jaga, sampai suami sanggup kejut anak2 tidur bagi mandi dulu.
pantang dia kalau orang mandi lambat, hubby mcm lelaki melayu terakhir, cara dia cara kampung..ikutkan memang elok diamal..otak cargas, badan sihat..ada jugak sangkut paut dengan rezeki. So jumlah family i keluar masuk toilet is ampat
belas khali (bertujuh dikalikan 2x mandi sehari) tak termasuk ke toilet untuk aktiviti2 sambilan :)

::eat banana everyday::
madsaleh kata 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
i eat pisang..pisang..pisang!! It keeps me on my toes everyday.
laki cakap udahla tu makan pisang, dah macam monyet dah..wahahah..dikatanya kita monyet..if bininya monyet?dia?Pasti bapak monyet rite?

ps- mostly tips from my SIL, orang lama, so harus banyak petua hidup.Tak tau pun dulu2. Tapi i terus amalkan.alhamdulillah, hidup akan bahagia :)

so random pics,

:aksi wanita bibir tebal from zach:


frm left, shan-baby hayy-at the back, wawa n danish,..aishah

his nose


yang best;

  • sayang aishah was awarded for her achivement in school/class. 'The Headteacher Commendation' badge. Bangga tak bangga kita semua :) before, her class teacher always puji and said she'd done pretty well in school, an all rounder girl, ingat teacher memain. Sekali terus kena acknowledge.happy,happy! (here they just give it to the parents,no hari penyampaian hadiah whatsoever, and no ranking system 1to 30 la..1 to 35 etc..survey said that students/parents can easily be in a depress situation if their child receive position in class..psikologi la, so that students & parents tak tertekan) only tenaga pengajar will know the students capability in school/class. very british..sebab kat sini orang rajin saman menyaman ni..tertekan je nak saman..byk tul duit upah lawyer nak saman orang!human rite kononnya.
  • shan's application for primary and danish (nursery) was successful, amin...
  • our bekonscot trip, a short trip..but a fun place to visit :)
  • hati girang nak balik malaysia!

tak best;
  • hayy jatuh katil tehentak hidung, sila lihat caption di atas.dahla hidung nya yg comel betambah comel. nasib tak patah tulang hidung. The impact was harsh. :(
  • hidup bosan sebab tiap hari hujan.nak menyangkol pun payah.
  • kita nak balik, tapi visa tak dapat lagi..amacam? gila ke babe?ticket dah issue.huwaaaa! time to minta super mama sofiah in maluri for sembahyang hajat, doa mak..moga dapat berkat di sini.
  • UB funkey usb not functioning, arghh! tensi, tensi,..bilalah i dapat bejuang ngan belia belia 4B hillariously cute!
  • today, tube strike for 48 hours (takde kena mengena pun hidup ngan tube ni) eh ada! jalan ketapi blakang rumah lengang habis..takde bunyi..gedek..gedek..gedek..gedek..bilik tak life and otak takde gegaran for the next 48 hours.
  • dengar cerita tak elok pasal orang,laki selalu pesan (diapun tak suka cakap keburukan orang,walaupun sometimes tekena ngan orang) 'jangan suka sibuk tepi kain orang, u have more than enough kain already..jagalah kain2 tu' maknunyu (razip?) if i dengar cerita tak best 'tentang seseorang' jangan cuba provoke lagi keadaan n make it worse. tapi my best mate in uk (u know who u are) akan jadi mangsa i, sebab sama2 faham situasi. by end of the day, cerita tak best we just keep it sealed.dijamin sirim.yang tau hanya i dan polan :) kan? ps: adat dunia, sebolehnya elak dari menjadi halwa telinga, if terdengar, buat diam n jangan gemburkan suasana. hubby selalu cakap 'benda macam ni boleh jadi penyakit', which i truly agreed.
ps- hidup kita pun tak sempurna, baik jaga family sendiri dari sibukkan hal orang.


IT'S BEEN........

AGESSSSSSSSSS...don't you think?
penat menebas-mengipas-memvacum habok, sawang dan lalang..
to all my fans (eh?ada ke..?mmm..)
terima kasih sebab tak habis bertanyakan blog saya ini,
sampai ke satu tahap dah fed up dengan pertanyaan pertanyaan (chewah!!) bagaimana nak conceive anak? :)
how the hell am i suppose to answer that?

::rezeki dan ketentuan di tangan tuhan::

think happy and always stay positive, pasti dapat anak berderek derek umpama rabbit macam i.
lepas girl, dapat pipi labuh..then dapat telinga capang..budak gemok..last..budak gemok the how?
Jangan fikir 'Ish..susah la anak ramai2 ni' will always think..'takut income tak cukup'
believe me dear, we were at that state before..but hey?! still survive till now, alhamdulillah makan minum semua cukup.
Like orang tua2 cakap, 'Rezaki Anak'...i always reflect that phrase from time to time, syukur, rezeki kami tak pernah putus.

till then, nite2 my lovely readers..muahss!!

ps: jika ada sebarang soalan mengenai ilmu menjaga anak maupun kemahiran hidup II, drop me a comment :)

We are moving soon...

i am busy 'house hunting' so i neglected the blog lately.
We will finish the move soon and i promise to keep back to my usual 'blogomania'.
terkejut rite? haaaa..we all lagi terkejut. Tak guna sesen nye landlord, naikkan rent for this month alih alih kena bagi notice sebulan pindah pulak?!! cisss..kurang assam sungguh.
dahla our washing machine rosak sebulan lebih yet he do nothing..bodo jer!
thank god the laundrettes just steps away from our place. Berjasalah juga to we all selama ni.
Our electric switch box yang always rosak pun memang payah nak panggil si mushtoq datang repair, end up bebudak rumah ni buat sendiri..tak reti pun buat buat reti...nasib tak kena electricuted, or else declare mati syahid kot sebab niat nak menolong ahli2 rumah.

as to our landlord 'mr mushtoq misai a.galak',

aku tau ko bukannya baca and i can kutuk you..wahahahaa
no wonder the tenant before us hancurkan your place and believe me was in total mess time we all took over this neglected house mana kan tidak previous tenant tak puas hati dapat landlord rubbish like you! ..poor you, dapat si mushtoq ni. tak reti jaga hang lansung kan?!!
thank god dapat tenant yang berhati mulia mcm kami.Sanggup jaga you yang dah buruk bagai retak menanti belah ni..we clean, patch, repair, refurbish you back and jaga you for the past 2 and a half years,
sedih sedih, walau you buruk but we sayang you..but now its almost time for us to part..thank you for the wonderful memories we had together..for you had given us shelter and a place to call 'HOME'
and 2 of my kids, zach and hayy, we buried their birth sack (placenta) here.right in our back garden. :(


actually 'insyaallah' tak jauh mana pun i pindah, maybe belakang jalan jer..wahahahahh or within NW2 (postcode) juga..for i have few choices not to far from aishahs school, malas nak pindah jauh2 and out from willesden green, once you stay in willesden..memang rasa there's no other place like this, ramai muslim, masjid 2 3 tempat, so many halal food, nice atmosphere..most importantly..ramai MELAYU!
whats more my kids aishah and shan dah school kat sini, malas nak tukar2, sebab baru sangat confirm placing kat sini..tak kan nak ubah pulak.
like what kak pah (my sista in law punya niece) told me earlier

Kak Pah: there's no place like willesden
Me: so y lah kak pah you are moving away from willesden?.
Kak Pah: to many memories dear...but then again, no matter where i am after this, willesden will always be part of, if you want to rent my place, you're most welcome but its only available in mid sept
Me: ooo..its ok Kak Pah, thank you anyway but i have to pass. We really need to settle in somewhere else by mid august, our end date is 12 august. i pun nak move out cecepat and settle everything before summer holiday ends on 2 sept.

..and bla..bla..blahhhhhh

teruklah lepas ni, habis confinement memang kena all out kerah tenaga. Ya allah..hate to pack and unpack..Giloss!

hayy n me!

hello all, this is me still in 'pantang' with my hayy.
life pretty much the same, adjusting to my new routine as a housewife and mummy to 5 little rascals.
Ahhhhh!..busy busy me. Nasib 1st and 2nd ni ringan tulang tolong mama mengemas. if not patah pinggang mama with the cleaning chores.Chores can quickly be overwhelming when it is time to clean house and some cleaning chores have to been done every day.
As for Hayy, not to difficult to jaga him..sleep-nenen-sleep-nenen-nappy change then sleep again, tu jelah dia tau. And he sleeps all through the nite too! subuh baru mencari cari bau mummy.
Arghh..super hectic me!!


for the well wishes and support,.,deeply from our heart.. 'the parents' ----->

the baby......and

the rest of the clan


after much effort and oohhsss-aahhhsss,
little boy was born on 15th May 2008 at 4.09am

before, at 12.15am kena main2 with fitball dulu stimulate contraction.

kita pun main lompat2 with this gym ball sambil minum air dah 2 1/2 jug to increase contraction.

nearly 4am, water still doesn't break, tengah midwife check, she accidentally terpecahkan air..and at 4.09am keluarlah si bulat, after having 6 minutes of 3rd stage and less than an hour for 2nd stage.

she's my 'anchorwomen'..very cekap i tell you, from the handling of my paperwork (the yellow file) when we arrive at 11.30pm until the end of my labour(4.09am), cleaning and tidying up the 'mess' i have made :( she is the 'only' living person in the labour room (after zaki, of course!) and yes, siap tolak i to my ward.
tengok, siap pakai orange crocs shoes lagi..kelas kau kak!

15 minutes old


MOre Of Lil Bun

with love


salam and good day..yes..its me..still here and waiting for D day to come.
Arghhh..penat lil bun is so heavy ok. And my weekly GP appointment is on monday 12th..ntah2 tak sempat? apa apa pun wish me luck and selamat meneran :)

been doing loads of reading about last stages in pregnancy (ey ape da..dah nak anak 5 pun takut lagi)..hell yeah i'm scared,..siapa tak? the fact of having contractions every now and then, water break and the urge to push...ahhh TIDAK! if takut sangat memang boleh gila..but thats the BEAUTY of it..setahun belum tentu sekali..but in my case, setahun sekali la kot..but this might be my last bit, the end of this emotional cycle in a womens life..for 'they' have complete me. 'MY FAMILY'.And i am going to cherish every seconds of it. Lepas ni kita start family zaki fasa ke-2..membesarkan anak2 pulak :)

this is my emo signs of labor:

Nesting is an instinct that mothers of nearly every species experience. Though humans won't actually be burrowing or gathering leaves, (I hope), you will often start to go into a cleaning and organizing frenzy. Some women go through their baby layettes over and over, organizing the baby's room or section of the parents' room. Others will clean the house from top to bottom, empty every drawer, and dust in places they never knew existed before. This is completely normal! You are not becoming obsessive compulsive, nesting is just nature's way of letting the mother know the baby is coming soon. So, clean as much as you like, just avoid strong fumes and try to use gloves when using chemicals of any kind. Don't touch the cat litter and avoid any area that may harbor black mold or mildew.

Diarrhea and bowel disturbance:
Experience THIS, today!
Nearing labor your body will produce prostaglandins, a chemical which will cause loose bowel movements. A very unpleasant sign of impending labor, but one which does let you know the baby is coming soon. If you have been suffering from constipation, this may be a bit of a relief. Gas, which is so common throughout pregnancy, will also become more of an issue. All of this will pass soon enough and the diarrhea serves two purposes. One is to empty the bowels in preparation for pushing the baby out of the womb. Secondly, the muscle contractions of bowel movements are very close to the type caused by the uterus. If you are suffering severe diarrhea, you should call your midwife severe diarrhea can actually induce labor contractions.

Vaginal discharge in early labor:
Some women may experience more discharge in the days leading up to labor. Normally thick and whitish, if the discharge changes to thin and watery a visit to the doctor may be in order. This could indicate a leak in the bag of waters surrounding the baby. This only poses a danger to the baby if labor is not immediatel indicated, as an infection or introduction of bacteria to the womb and baby could occur. If the discharge is thick and white or thick and colorless, you should not worry. This is normal discharge.

Softening of the cervix, mucus plug, or bloody show:
In addition to the normal discharge you are experiencing, near labor you may find red streaks and a thick mucous 'blob'. This is the mucus plug that has been in the cervix since after conception to prevent access to the womb for bacteria or other pathogens. You may never see this bloody show, because as the cervix has softened or ripened, it could have slipped out and fell into the toilet to be flushed away. The cervix has thinned and softened so that it is prepared to dilate enough to allow passage of the baby into and through the birth canal. In your final visits to the obstetrician he or she will check your cervix often to check for softening and dilation.

semuanya dah plus very mild braxton hicks.
apa macam? agak2?


spring break at last!

todaY schools tutup awal..for the spring break holiday is officially here..but universities dah start a week earlier, my nephew from scotland siap turun for a week in london..pity him that his plane landed on terminal 5 (the new heathrow terminal yg sangat tak berguna itu),i hope he recover from all the waiting stress whatsoever yang melanda last weekend.Surely maksu n co would love to see you again during summer holiday before you balik malaysia okie.
nuthin much..zaki pun bz..just me..lazing around with my kids..membuyutkan diri..HAHA! thank god its holiday, dah 3rd trimester ni, rasa berat nak jalan, what more u have got to senget kan position la before nak bangun..dah bangun at times urat tarik,kejong apa apa lagi la..and yeah..heartburn lagi, and paling tak best,braxton hicks contraction (meaning your rahim dah loosen up and getting ready for delivery) that scares me the most..WHAT IF?
i'm in my 33 weeks now..few more weeks to go. After my last antenatel scan, insyaallah everything looks fine and progressing..but my tummy a bit small compare from the previous one..ingat baby b/f huh?fingers kan..rezeki ketentuan di tangan allah..most kita sihat :)
ok..thats it from me now, insyaallah will update on my progression later (whenever i feel rajin and larat ya!)
sampai nanti!