Attack of the killer stewardess!

believe it or not..after 10 yr plus baru jumpa..?i pun tak ingats when is the last time jumpa..its been ages. Terima kasih tak terhingga datang to my house to see my younglings..and they all did have a great time with gojes gojes mak stewardess sampai kepenatan pas mandi terus pingsan!
hope we could do this again!?..bilalah pulak tu?~insyaallah~
to miss have been such a great fren to me, and my lil ones too! such a hip krazy wacko fren you are..mulot aku takleh katop lepas ngko n sheena balik..banyak sangat ketawa! lurve having you around..tak ketinggalan to miss sheena..nice knowing you babe! next UK trip buzz me and hope could bawa u mamam mamam lagi ker..masak pon prob bebeh!btw, to my jiran aka bestest uk mate,ila kelate..thank you so ever for sponsoring the yummylicious kueh ketayap and pap-pap fren tak berenti mengunyah..dari start datang sampailah balik..suka mak tgk org kuat makan ni. matter how distance we are..there will always be 'someone' close and deep in my heart that i will always remember and cherish the moments that we once had!..
~lurve you babes! and thanks for the wonderful and yet besar gedabak pressies for my lil dahlings, the al jubah and al dress and al cekelat kurma, like it! next time aku oder lagi ya!~

more pics please click HERE


Delia said...

waaaaah! i heard u whipped up some wicked nasi ayam! heheheheh
to think that when rina & I were in London dulu u were actually there already..iskkk! kalau tau mesti kitorang dah mai visit. eh, pesal rambut rina nampak lagi goldish pastu berkilat2 nih?? hehehehe dah chop aisha yeee...cuba tanya sikit, mana anak teruna dia tu???? wakakakakakka

dbab said...

nanz! wo worries babe! nex time your trip i pasti jamuuu u , zaki n kids..gila babs punya..u nak order apa..?!!..i lama tak jumpa si rina ni..lagi mengila la dia!hahahahaa..
ha..kau!!nampak radiant plaks minah ni punya rambut..lupa nak tanya brg apa dia pakai..ey babe..if yer fren @ shephard bush mmg x jauh frm my plc.buttt..aku nak pindah ni..rumah aku yg ni mcm nak tekoyak! worries..still in the same place dekat ngan park.

Unknown said...

tu la...
if i tau u kat london last summer...errr ade ke? hehehehe
sure i pun nak visit u gaks=)ehhh u nak pindah where?

dbab said...

last summer..?adelah! tu lah you!..hehehe, but now u trip ring me okies!

MRSHUSiN said...

ooooh! jelesnya! the food looks yummy, nasik ayam tu! pandai cik kak sorang ni masak rupanya!

i have been thinking osolah, even tho' it has been more than 10 yrs we left sch, even tho we dont get to see each other tt often since u guys sume r at diff parts of the world, but once reunited, it seems like we never lost contact. u know what i mean? i always belive BBGals sumenye ada this sort of sentiment and i like tt! so sticks friends yo!
hahaha, teringat d'bab's entry on 4u*2c tu... kita dulu sama2 gila kru 2! gosh! that was AGESSSSSS ago!

my family r going to uk end of this yr, unfortunately me&hubs tak ikut!!! damnnittt! kalau tak dh boleh jumpe d'bab& family!!!

p/s: sorry, meleret2 i punye comment ni. hihihi...

lola lollie said...

~yuhoooooooooooo dapek gak den tulis komen! woohooooooo mmg sdap itu nasik ayam sbb tu la makin gemok hahaha dbab sorry la baju2 tu jubah2 tu besar2 sbb nye si nani ni mmg blur ade ke patut aku kol jejauh dr abudabi ke amerika dia bagi salah info???? mmg la itu bestfren aku si nani tu...heheh dbab me miss u! nnt 2009 adik hubby aku (erm bakal 2009 nnt die dah jdi hubby aku insyaAllah amin...) hah 2009 nnt adik ipar aku grad sammy kate WE R GOIN THER wuhoooooooooooooooo best siot aku nak jumpe ko nak nak nakkkkkkkk!~

dbab said...

wuHOOOOO!! bestnya bestnya..aku pikiorkan menu ape nak jamu korang dari sekarang..wallahweiii, 2009! haper kebender lame nor aku ner nunggu kome dtg ni..dtg bulan depan tak boleh ke?
miss your crazinest babes! dah lama aku tak gelak besar besaran sampai sakit jaw aku.
yeah..the like it..especially aishah's it like it..parsley dsign i like!!oo..nanti mak upload gambo dlm blog wokey!

Anonymous said...

Zaki, yang baju hitam tu sapa ? leh kenal ke? aku nak bawak gi jalan medan, salim suruh bawak :)