1 Million Galore Tag!

Now, what would you do if you had one million in your possession ?

(tagged by lovely yaya.)

Instructions : **Start Copy**

Proposition: If you Have $1,000,000.00

Requirements: continue above sentences

Tag Mode:
Tag 5 blogger 1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.

i tagged;
-kak hali

What They Do With Their $1 Million

1. SYH will spend for Family.
2. Miche will give to the needy.
3. Montessorimum will keepsake.
4. Mumsgather will secure her kids’ financial future.
5. bkworm will be debt free.
6. Dancing Queen will go on a lifelong holiday.
7. Eve will invest in properties.
8. dieselfire will create a foundation for underprivileged students.
9. Underneath The Stars will put aside for kids education.
10.AmiraZefr will invest in her kids trust fund and set aside for some TLC holiday trips.
11.Irene Yaya will buy a property in Dubai or Abu Dhabi
12.Alin will invest all her mills to Women in Science. To do: nausea control pills!
13.Dbab would bring family member perform Hajj-donate to children hospital-secure my family income/business-spend it lah..what else?


viruspadu said...

sudah2... sy sgt bersemangat tau! hehehehe

k3na said...

salam dbab..thanks so much for your comment in Amir's website..:) and also for your prayers for Amir..I am really touched and I know only Allah can repay your kindness. Today (actually most days) I miss Amir so much. I see his pictures and I always wonder how he would be today, had he lived. In fact, I always wonder how my own life would be like, with him still alive. I guess I'll never know, not in this lifetime.

Anyway, on a brighter note, if I do have $ 1 million, I would also perform Hajj with my family members, donate some and then go on a guilt-free lifelong holiday around the world with my hubby. :) Ciao and take care always, insya Allah kalo ada rezeki we shall meet.

Anonymous said...

bestnyer baca entry kat blogni...dan sungguh tak sangka akak miss dbab dah punya anak empat tapi badan still ramping..bleh tau apa rahsianyer....
ok jumpa lagi....

dbab said...

virus:yes..yes..sila buat:)nanti saya lawat okies!

katrina:salam Kat..how are you dear?Thanks for dropping me a line.If you are visiting London,do give me a buzz okies.insyaallah, we shall meet.nice to hear frm you.:)

falindah:..wah..pengantin baru in few days time.congrats falindah.saya dah share petua di fp falindah..please refer ya..hehe..

IreneYaya said...

Tot aritu I dah leave comments, but x keluar kan?

I pun thinking the same way, kalau murah rezeki and anak2 besar sikit ada org nak jaga, nak pergi buat Haji sementara tgh sihat walafiat ni...:)

...$weE+ 666... said...

insya Allah, will do soon. :)

zie_naz said...

Hiya!(teringat UK greetings!hehehe)This 1 million question,i already done it when tagged by Zefferins, it's at my FP. Also I just updated my Blog after more than 6 mths not been in there!!:-)Sampai terlupe sign in name!hahaha..InsyaAllah I'll continue to blog about my 2 heroes who amused me everyday, also give free headache too!.. hahahaha..Hopefully we can cherish our special time with our children when they r at young age. I always imagine when they start school, then college..you won't get time like this again..(perasaan lah pulak aku ni! hahahaha...:-P)