for the lady in red

telebih rajin punya assignmet...she tak suruh buat pun..saper nak volunteer, dipersilakan..for the 'red lady'..this is for you :)

: my my husband..tapi kadang2 nak cepatkan every day hentam jugak..tak tau sape pakai sape punya,...janji when we got off the toilet, haruslah wangi semerbak CUKUP!...range tak kira..mana yg latest, itulah yang we all try, if we kind of like the frangrance..we will use the same range longer la..but usually does not last pun..but i heart the range from marks n spencer ,bodyshop, friendly, sweet smelling and here, good price too! :

: lagi satu, i have been using st ives product ages ago..and i stick to it till now..dari zaman jerawat batu..till now jerawat free :) i have tried various brands (some even cost me a fortune) but none of it last, but bila kat sini..i only use st ives (kat sini harus selalu sental kulit air among the worse polluted throughout the world) selalulah jugak pakai body buffer..sugar scrub and all..cuma tinggal pakai kertas pasir je untuk menyagat kulit!!
and jonhson&johnson 'soothing naturals' range for i find it very 'click' with my skin and so as my babies..5 in 1 but more like 6 in 1 coz zaki pun tumpang sekaki..


roxychick said...

macam kenal je skin so soft tu...
best ke produk tu?


dbab said...

ko jangan gelak besar kat aku muharra siap jadi dealer kat sini okie!! :) tapi income sale bulanan tak seberapa pun..malas..sampai marah mentor aku..asyik kena kerah je..hehehhe..minah tu pun dah boring!:)..tanya2 ni..nak oder ke?..ko sure nak muntah tgk product ni kan..buekkkKKK!! hehehehehee

roxychick said...

muntah tak muntah la.. tapi aku ni mesti tergolong dalam top 10 winners utk every campaign antara associates weh... yela.. sedara mara, makcik tok cik sume nak order dgn aku... tapi hadiah yg aku dapat balik2 brg2 tu gak.. hahahaha.. cipsket sket depa nih.. hehehe..

takpe. ko buatla side income. ape salahnye...

dunhill@*london-paris-new york* said...

i'm using johnson&johnson honey baby wash.. ha ha biar kulit jadik cam baby.. ;) he he..

Red Mummy said...

good one...!!

aku nak tambah lagi container, coz i m aiming the BS's xmas collection plus hubby is back wt VS's collection too...

haruslah tamak mana satu nak pakai tak tau laaa