'happy 36th dear hubby'
and WE love you more than ever!*hugs*
*seriously..ini edisi pecah KEPALA for i hope he 'heart' my gift..nothing special but i do think it is the most basic needs in our life n what we carry most throughout the day.if takde benda ni like tak complete hidup..if hilang benda ni..sampai ke police kita report..what else..?kalau bijak bistari cubalah teka..it is sooo have to do with money..bagai aur dgn tebing..hehe..just that kesian tgk hubby he's been using this so called thing for ages..sampai tekopak,tekoyak..terabak pun ya juga..kesian la hai. habit suka pakai barang sampai gila2 semput baru nak tukar..alahai sayang oi..udah terok benor rupenya..nanti org kata bini tak jaga .dah tak sesuai sgt nak berbakti pun..buat hilangkan lagi barang adalah..just so you know IT'S TIME dear..sampai aishah dah boring gila ajak i balik from Brent Cross Shopping for her dah tak larat nak jalan window shop with mommy dearest..pujuk dgn mcd, diam kejap..minutes later..dia pot pet balik..alasan paling cute..she misses her brothers..huwaaahh,kecik2 dah pandai cari reason..esok besar..god knows :) special celebration tonite? dont think so..for we do not know what time he will be back from work..depends on tuanku sultan nak finish off late ke tak mlm ni..for we postpone jelah k, any nite will do lah ya..tadi dah hugs kiss buat geram oklah tu..hehhe..
for my better half..i love you loads and thank you for the life you have given us*
*edisi kipas ya juga..for my big day is coming soon, yes..we share the same month*
and WE love you more than ever!*hugs*
for my better half..i love you loads and thank you for the life you have given us*
*edisi kipas ya juga..for my big day is coming soon, yes..we share the same month*
*edisi kopak duit savings mama pun yes...i have indulge myself for another 'military coat' which i like veryy much, and sikit pun tak nyesal this time for i think i've bought things which i really like, kita penat simpan duit..sekali sekala why not?*
gatal sangat statement tu....
happy besday incik zaki!
happy birthday..
sayang, ur hubby macam my hubby. kalau pakai satu-satu benda, sebolehnya sampai dah rupa nazak baru tukar yang baru.
hehe,,mua..statement yg gedik tahap cipan hehehe...
kak hali: ya allah kak,duit kertas pun dah tak sanggup tinggal dlm tu..hehe..rupa dah tak senonoh sangat.itu pun boleh nak simpan lagi?!!
hehehe... mungkin ada sentimental value kot.. tuh yang sanggup simpan sungguhpun rupa dah tak senonoh. hehee
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