a neverending search...


never thought to fill up a two bed apartment..'just TWO'! could be such a stressful job..despite that we did..already bought which we might think is necessary stuffs for the ap...you know..tilam, sheets..duvets and all..and definately the kitchen needs to be fill too!..if not camane nak masak?
the hardest part is we have to scout around london for a reasonable price for the furniture and all. thank god its nearly xmas so sales are everywhere now.
penat2 cari barang..jom..singgah mamam dulu! more pictures
:and yet another game waiting for me to explore...age ranking 3+, tak malu sungguh!! :) :


Anonymous said...

sayang... my husband pun main gak this game.. hehehe

dbab said...

tulah..org besar yg lebih sebenarnya!:)