lil piece of me..

self promo kononnya ni..but..its not for sale, self kept..whoever is intrested to buy the canvas set, nanti you all pandailah conteng sendiri, let me know.


roxychick said...

apakah ini? siapakah mereka?

ko buat sendiri ke, main tekap2 ke?
ke tu perca2 kain baju kurung, langsir, cadar atau kusyen kat rumah?

apa? kenapa? siapa? mengapa?

dbab said...

wahahahaa..jgnlah dikau bersoal lagi wahai buyut..
ala mua..main tekap2 je..aku ni manalah creative..kekreatifan aku dah ke arah masakan..masak main boh jer skarang ni..janji jalan masuk perut beli canvas set hang scribble je pe pe..nak boh muka cik aris, mazlan..cik jai(ehem..ehem..)

Delia said...

cantiknyerrrr!!!!!! saya sukerrr! hehehe a'ah..they say u can just buy fabric and staple on canvas pun dah leh jadi art deco! but i bet lil' miss non-creative me would screw that up as well!!! hahahahahha

roxychick said...

begitula gerangannye ye..

btw, anya h is launching the i'm not a plastic bag tomorrow (as in wednesday) kat US. from the newsletter i got, dorg naikkan sket harga.. kan? kat msia nye next mth laa.. i hope they stick to rm75 per pc. but if it reaches rm100 pon ok lagi la kot.. it's anya h maa...

cik jai ehem.. ehem...? heheh.

kaezrin said...

agree with delia...if my case sume mesti screw up punyelaaaaa

i suke the floral tuh..mcm amatla menarik sekali utk di tepek di dinding rumahku