Aishah has been modelling for this boutique today.Todays session lasted less than half an hour. fitting session and couple of shots here and there..few posses..then wallah!!!siap dah..but today casting baru..the real task is on thursday next week.dear aishah, pose maut2 okies ~kicik kicik cari makan..-i heart u's -mama-
wah!!! caya lah aishah! nanti dpt duit boleh simpan dlm tabung! hehehe pastu auntie dtg boleh belanja auntie makan chocs kat Harrods k? nyehehehehe
bagusla camtu..
bile besar jadik supermodel siot!
keep me posted eh? kalau buleh, potong ad tu pastu anta kat aku..
debab! u ni mmg a real soccermom lah! coolness... encouraging aisyah to model. dah lah, anak dara u nie comel bangettttt!
dah besar nanti boleh jadi famous!
i nak tengok the shots boleh?
mesti cute kan? mcm mummy dia!
kicik2 saja buat income modelling..udah besor nak jadi model gak sudah2 bukan i yang kena kejar aishah..i yang dikerjakan mak i..(awal2 dpt notice frm mom dearest on her cucu becoming a model..mampuih!)sabar ya duhai mak!
Good to know ur lil Aishah dah leh buat self-inkam, mesti her mommy proud nih...I dulu pernah gak anta gambar my anak sedara utk tv ads Telekom, but bila terpilih dia malu pulak takmo...Nanti jgn lupa update gambar Aishah k? Sure come lote nih..
coooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeeellllllllll gggggggiiiiiiiilllllllleeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
*sorry terlebih2 lak.. :P
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