wan, our ex housemate in Neasden pay us a visit yesterday evening with his so gonna be wife in future, nadrah.we finally get to meet nadrah..all this while tengok pictures of her saja, friendly girl she is..it was a brief visit tapi sempatlah i cook for them grill sea bass, chinese style and mix vege..makan with nasi panas...before that, we went to tesco for some grocery shopping and got myself the latest tesco recycle jute bag..best.More
you are one crazy woman, woman!! tgh pantang bole pi jln2 lagi tuuuu...
tapi bab jahit menjahit ni, aku mmg seriau! afraid dat i can't cope with the pain... eeeouchhhh!!!
eh makcik!..if takder kesakitan besalin tu..tak la feel namanya..kang aku citer detail kang takut ko seriau..tanya dah ke si marissa how she cope during her contraction and labour pain..water leak lagi..hahaha..kira few more weeks kan?r u mentally ready?physical tau sgt dah mmg tak larat nak bawa badan!tapi apa pun aku excited for you la babes..tau ko n hub lagilah tambah xcited kan?how will d baby look like ey?(seronok dgr org nak besalin ni)
mua:takla KRAZY..GILA je..huhu..
i'm guessing that the baby will be a carbon copy of berx. sbb aku agak malas during pregnancy.. mcm bapak dia.. and the last scan i had, the baby has berx' lips and nose...
aiyo! habeh la.. tiap2 hari join sekaki main gitar dgn bapak dia.. tak kira la baby ni laki ke pompuan..
ok... save the pain story eh?
aww..how cute!wakekkee sukerla berx tu.ey..if baby girl acuan bapak sure nanti manja lebey..mak tolak tepi la..hehee.biasalakan girl wit papa..daddy's girl.
hang mmg takmo tau gender yek?itsokay la kan..janji newborn nanti healthy..~alhamdulillah~
saturday, 07.07.07, 11.07am
if hang baca ni bila hang dah bangun sat lagi, jez nak habaq, aku nak collect beg tu tghari kang. mintak tolong ko inform mama sofea that i'm coming over to the hse around ptg sat lagi laa.. aku akan call dia jugak seblom aku sampai rumah ko... ok! calo.
mission accomplished!
enjoy your bag....
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