i'm just a bag!

this is what happen on friday?crazy..luckily i've booked mine earlier (thanks to ROXYCHICK aka mom to be~mua)


roxychick said...

is that what happened on friday??? seriously??
i went there saturday, masuk, tunjuk resit, he gave me the bags and i leave... how easy was that huh? org msia pon dah gila gak ey... mcm kes iPhone hari tu daaa....

so, babe.. when will you be getting the bags? who's sending it over to the UK? aku nye masih tersimpan rapi... m using it as my maternity bag.. haha..

mrika said...

I for one, don't get why there's all tht hype over the bag. Call me difficult (put kindly) or a snob (put possibly, honestly .. haha), but yea... all that just for a bag, which obviously is now owned by hundreds of bag-users around. Doesn't quite make one that extra bit more hip than the next bag-user then, yes? No? Well. My thoughts nway.

On a lighter and more positive note...
I love this new blog of yours. It IS new, kan? :-) Have saved this in my Favs list. And I still am amazed at how you manage 4 lil ones on your own. Super-mommy no doubt! :-)

dbab said...

:) its ok mrika..i truly respect your opinion..n thanks for liking my blog.alah babes..simple je my blog ni..who knows..tiba time boring nanti..i change lagi.;p

dbab said...

mua: hamboi2..maternity bag?haha..me just us it buat basahan ..g pasar!wahahaha..NOLAH!jadi babys changing bag..susu bag..pampers bag..whatsoever baglah i can think of.

the wanderer said...

org malaysia ni kalau barang branded yg murah, cam gini ler jadiknye... aku baca dlm paper siap ada bertekak2 lagi nak bli bag tu, siap ketuk2 window mintak bag, padahal bag tu dah abis and was closed due to all those nutsy people still lepak kat depan kedai!

dbab said...

one:herm,,not only malaysian tau, adatlah kan..brg murah..hehe, have you ever heard 'primark'@oxford st.on the day it was launched..ppl bertolak-berperang nak went into the shop,pintu kaca dia PECAH babe!
police datang, secure the area,primark had to be closed down due to security reason.masuk bbc news lagi :p

IreneYaya said...

Mak ai...kat london sure lagi hebat "keberebutan" dia! I think if gucci pun jual bag yg harga RM55 (yg ori lah) mesti lagi lah kan...Nasib baik u oda awal2.