on her words..

last saturday..as i was having viral fever with runny nose, watery eyes..and yes, sneezing everywhere(hayfever season).She looked at me and said,
aishah: mama, kenapa mama 'bersedih' dengan eyes tu?
(why are you crying mommy?):) as i recall..i have never, ever used the word 'sedih' or 'bersedih' in front of her..not even in my conversation with zaki.where did she get it ey?
lagi satu;
aishah:mama, come and play masak masak with me..i've no friends to play with.
me: you wait okay..letme finish my work first.
aishah:(sigh) oo i know..you cannot play masak masak with me..i'm a small girl..u can only 'play' with papa because you're already big!

oopss :p..coincidence or not?

more on aishah:latest update 12 july 07

a:mama, are u sick?
me:yes i am (snif..snif..)
a:kesian mama..(thinking),nantilah..i'll ask papa to cook for you ya?

fuhhh..hotak org besar..n she's just 3yr 8mons.Aunty muharra cakap,'terlebih DHA':)


roxychick said...
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roxychick said...

haha.. which reminds me of what my niece, qistina (yg sama umur dgn aishah tu) said jez the other day. she was ke hulu ke hilir one nite wit her lil sis, kejap masuk bilik, pastu kuar turun bawah.. so, i asked her:

me: qis nak pegi mana ni?
q: oh.. qistina nak pi ofis nih..
me: nak pi ofis naik apa? jln kaki?
q: tak. qistina nak naik bot, tapi bot tu dah bocor, kena mkn dgn air...

i made a straight face and asked again:
me: kat ofis ada apa?
q: qistina byk keja nak 'selesaikan' ni. byk sgt..
i raised my brows.. errr.. and laughed a bit:
me: selesaikan? selesaikan tu apa?
q: selesaikan la.. nak abiskan.. nak siapkan....
and she left, naik atas balik...

i was smirking all the way sbb tak paham masa bila la we used such skema word in our daily conversation... siap explain maksud lagi..

adoila budak2 skrg... too much DHA dlm otak...

kaezrin said...

wahh mmg adavance ok....

Nadia said...

LOL! 'Play' with Papa had me cracking up. Hahaha!

I agree with the commentor above. Too much DHA!!! Heh.

dbab said...

'kena makan ngan air'????waheheheheehehe.CUTE!
ni pesen pesen aishah gak ni..
BM main tebabo je..erm..like;
lampu-'lamp'poo (british twang lagi)
hisap rokok-sikak kokok (mcm bahasa iban daa)

:p kids!

MRSHUSiN said...

hahaha... lawak aaa... ur aisyah is simply adorable!
asalkan u faham takpe aaa...

kids nowadays kan, terlebih advance kan?
cute gila!

roxychick said...

my EDD is on the 24th of august. masa tu dah masak ranum, cukup 40weeks la.. it cud be earlier but m not sure if it cud be later.. dis sat baru nak pi jumpa my gynae...


the wanderer said...

my niece dania camelia (will be 3 this september) ckp to my mom..

my mom: ayang sayang daddy tak?
myniece: daddy tu asyik main computer je...

tau pulak my niece tu apa computer tu yek? budak2 zaman skarang bijak lebih2 lak.. pastu ada this one time, she tumpahkan air on the floor, tanpa disuruh sesiapa, she took a few tissue and lap air yg tumpah tu.. mcm kakak2 jer! :P

IreneYaya said...

Ooppss...hihih...pandai betul Aishah, the way she talks and thinks pun mcm adults!
BTW, my hubs ada cerita kat I dulu time dia 4 years old, growing up kat US, sekolah kat sana the kids mmg open cerita kat kindergarten what their parents did on bed...hehehe, so we need to pandai tackle jawab this part la kan?